Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 31- Crawford to Gordon- 70 miles

After another farewell to Kim, Katie, and Trevor, Jeff drove me into town, helped ready my bike, and sent me off. He arranged for me to check out his old panniers from a friend in Chadron. After a flat tire and a few familiar hills, I arrived, tried out his panniers, and WOW folks, I'm spoiled. I had to go to Wal-Mart and buy more stuff to fill them. (But really, I did go to Wal-Mart and grabbed another t-shirt - bright, construction-worker-orange - and so far, it's been my best investment yet.)
After some yogurt and trail mix, I stopped at the cutest combination barber shop/bike shop I've ever seen, where a dandy old man with white hair and red suspenders trued my front wheel and sold me a new tube, for a total of $10. 
Then I was finally on my way.
I'd been warned about Gordon being "not a place I would want my daughter camping out", but I checked it out anyways, and got an offer from some nice folk at the gas station. I was fed spaghetti, and slept in the spare bedroom! I love Midwestern hospitality!

$43 leggings, t-shirt, propane, food, etc. 
$8 groceries
$10 bike repair
$61 total

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